The Most Direct Way to Improve your Online Reviews

Website reviews are one of the most important metrics people look for when searching for a new business relationship or product. They want to know that other people have had a positive relationship with you and that you can be recommended to others.

Review Management Explained

Reputation and character are different.

Reputation is what people think of you or your brand, character are the actual qualities you or your brand have.


Consumers say negative reviews turned them away

The research shows that 60% of consumers turn away after reading negative reviews, so this means a huge potential loss for the affected companies.


North American consumers read online reviews to learn about a business

Consumers frequently take into account what other people write about a brand, product or service, to determine whether it is good or not.

Unique Review Funnel

Increase the number of reviews for your business with a simple conversion funnel that drives customers to review websites that your target audience uses for their initial research!

  • An easy rating system that directs the customer
  • Set the review platform destinations (Yelp, Google, YP, etc)
  • Negative reviews are positioned to fill out a private contact form


See an Example

Steps to Successful Reviews



Ask For  Reviews

You simply hand your customers a card or email them a link to your personal review page, and ask them for feedback on the service you provided.


Reviews are submitted

On your review page, your customers select a thumbs up or down, add optional comments, enter their email address and click SUBMIT.


Reviews are posted

If they rate you thumbs up, they’re asked for a review for your Facebook, Google and Yelp pages. If they give you thumbs down, they’re thanked for their feedback and assured it will help improve future service.