We offer quality emergency water damage restoration for homeowners & businesses from damage assessment to a thorough cleanup. We understand that disasters strike at any time and our experienced professionals are on site within 30 minutes!
When your home or business experiences water damage, we realize how upsetting the damage can be to your valuable space. We have years of experience in restoring structures back to pre-loss conditions quickly, by using state of the art technology and equipment which focuses on restoring your space.
Our qualified and professional technician team will make you feel a peace of mind as they thoroughly assess the damage, dry and dehumidify the space and then perform other restoration services to make your home or business look and smell like new! We are on site within 30 minutes and by arriving on time, we can address the situation immediately so any secondary damage such as mold can be avoided.
Whenever there’s flooding, a leak, or an overflow every minute counts as water soaks in more and more deeply. We offer only the latest water damamge removal technology & superior equipment including dehumidifiers, blowers, and dryers when we restore your area to pre-loss conditions.
Upon entering your house or business, we use professional moisture detection equipment to evaluate and document the conditions within the building and the moisture content of materials in those affected areas. Water Damage Removal Los Angeles
As a full service cleaning company, Regal Carpet & Restoration specializes in mold remediation for your home or business. We understand the importance of removing toxic mold from your home and our team is on site within 30 minutes to assess the damage.
Have you just experienced significant storm damage, fire damage, or flood damage? It’s often best to remove furniture and many other possessions off-site to prevent further harm to them and to complete restoration cleaning and other treatments. That also clears the way for faster building restoration.
As a general contractor and restoration specialist we’re ready to handle whatever a storm has thrown at you, whether that’s wind or water damage or just outdoor cleanup. After a major winter storm you can be facing an overwhelming list of things to do, and some may require surprisingly detailed technical knowledge.
If you suspect that you have a water leak but can’t find it, you need professional leak detection. If you know you have a leak but can’t find it, you need expert leak detection right away. With possibilities including plumbing, appliances, roofing, and window or door seals you need someone with experience and all the right equipment. The sooner you, act the more likely you’ll be able to avoid expensive water damage repair.